Lost Valley CC Red Baron *S
DOB 4/01/2011
height 6/1/2013 23.4"
2011 LA: +++; FS +
2012 LA: +V+ 83
2013 LA: ++V 83
Dam: Lost Valley MR Say My Name 3*M/3*D | Sire: Lost Valley PG Casting Crowns +*S |
GDam: GCH/ARMCh Lost Valley KW Fit'n Temptation 2*M/2*D |
GDam: GCH/ARMCh Lost Valley Callisto 2*M/2*D |
GSire: CH/ARMCh Lost Valley KW Mercury Rising +*S |
GSire: MCh Lost Valley KW Pegasus *S |
Baron's dam, Lost Valley MR Say My Name 3*D (aka Sammy) earned her place on the AGS DHI Top Ten Nigerian Dwarf Awards as a 2 year old [2yr 7mo-19 3/4"-248 DIM-933# milk-59# bf(6.3%)-45# protein(4.4%)]. Watch for this doe in future Top Ten lineups with future freshenings! She also placed 5th in 2010 AGS One Day Test [2yr 11mo-20"-142 DIM-4.0# milk-8.75% bf-6.1% protein; score 68.71]. Sammy's sire, MCh Lost Valley KW Mercury Rising +*S earned himself accolades as the 2011 AGS National Champion. In addition, Baron's littermate sister, Lost Valley CC Tatiana 4*D, won the 2012 AGS Junior National Championship!
We expect Baron to sire some wonderfully "milky" daughters.
Show record:
10/26/2013 RGCH under Karen Smith
10/25/2014 GCH and BOB under Annette Maze (unrestricted leg)
10/26/2014 GCH and BOB under Joshua Kaplewski (unrestricted leg)
Lost Valley MR Say My Name 3*M/3*D - Photo courtesy Lost Valley Nigerians
Baron's kids: