2018 Breedings:

For Best Selection, Reserve Early!

**prices and breeding subject to change unless deposit is received**

We offer ADGA Performance Program Rebates up to $75, 4H/FFA and multipurchase discounts.  Please see our Terms of Sale for more details!

 All our goats over 6 months of age tested negative August 2011 (WADDL) for CAE, CL and Johne's, with random testing thereafter with continued negative status.

 **CoI is the "Coefficient of Inbreeding" for the resulting kids based on extended pedigree**

Click on the number of kids born with fresh date (link in green text) to see newborn pictures.




Doe/Buck Price


RHV SMF Serendipity


RHV PZ Captain America

9/29/17; due 2/21/18

**2 does, 1 buck 2/18/18**



CoI 17.5%; linebreeding on Chenango-Hills Lizabet 6*M (37.5%; 6.3% homozygous)

RHV Urijah's Flipper


RedHorseValley FN Mar Elias

(RHV LP Finnian x RHV AM Bright Eyes)

 9/29/17; due 2/21/18

**twin bucks 2/23/18**


 CoI 17.3%; Linebreeding on SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M, her sire, grandsire and son, RHV CTO Cointreau *B

moonspots possible

 RHV RR D'Arcy

 RHV AM Formal Affair

02-06 86 VVV

 10/19/17; due 3/13/18

*1 doe, 2 bucks 3/19/18*


1 doe, 2 bucks available

(bucks $200 registered/$100 unregistered)


Dragonfly AV Izumi


Rosasharn SP Cleisthenes *B

03-11 88 VVE

 10/26/17; due 3/20/18

**3/25 2 bucks, 1 doe**

 $400 doe sold

2 bucks available $200 registered/$100 unregistered; one free w/purchase (parrot mouth)

 CoI 6.7%; linebreeding on ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B  (20.3%; 0.6% homozygous)

polled possible

RHV CNT Drop of Golden Sun

 2017: 86 VV+V

RHV PZ Butch Cassidy

 10/30/17; due 3/24/18

**3/26 buck/doe twins**


doe retained; buck available ($300 registered/$150 unregistered)

 doe possibly retained

CoI 16.4%; linebreeding on SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M and SG Rosasharn BB Cento +*B (25%; 3.1% homozygous)


 Rolli x Sky cream 2017 buck

 11/16/17; due 4/10/18

**4/12 buck/doe twins**

 doe sold; buck available $100 (unregistered)

Rosasharn SH Lady Eowyn 3*M

06-02 88 VEEV

 RHV CTO Cointreau +*B

 11/2/17; due 3/27/18

**4/2 2 bucks**

 $600; 2 gold and white bucks w/moonspots available ($350 registered/$200 unregistered)

 doe possibly retained

CoI 14.1%; Linebreeding on Rosasharn WT B-Bo ++B (25%; 3.1% homozygous)

moonspots possible

 RHV CS Elven Magic

02-01 87 VVVV

 Poppy Patch Rollick 'N' Roll

02-07 87 VEV

 **9/8/18 doe/buck twins**

 Dragonfly SOL Milvago

 RedHorseValley CS Pyrrhus


buck/doe twins**